Surety Law
The surety industry is vital to the success of any construction project and effective claims handling ensures stability of construction trades and a finished project. At Moyer Law Group we understand the importance of maintaining open lines of communication with our clients, building trust, and achieving efficient claims resolution. Our claims handling approach focuses on resourceful evaluation, asserting appropriate defenses, and safeguarding contract funds and other assets. Our services range from counseling on payment and performance bond claims to complex indemnity claims and takeover and tender arrangements on large, complex projects. We recognize the importance of identifying early negotiation opportunities and structuring investigations accordingly to preserve defenses.
We focus on our clients’ needs and delivery systems and when necessary, recover losses through enforcement of our clients’ indemnity rights and affirmative claims. Moyer Law Group is active in local and national surety based organizations including the Florida Surety Association, The Surety & Fidelity Association of America, and the American Bar Association’s Fidelity & Surety Law Committee. We are results driven and pride ourselves on our effective counseling in the surety industry.